What artists should not do??

Whenever I get stuck in painting, I tend to look back at some of my successful works in the past and try to analyze what is good in that painting and what is missing in the work in process. 

But in many cases it does not work.  I stick to the past image and mix it with what I have in my mind currently, which results in a chaotic picture plane.   Also I just can recall, if my memory is right, what Mr. Masuo Ikeda said in the writing, "Artists should not seek for the successful images of their works in the past."   Well then, I am not a great artist like Mr. Ikeda.

The painting below is titled, Banquet, Acrylic and pastel on canvas, 36"x47", 2015

My brushstrokes look a bit rigid. I may seem to stick to the way  I did in the past.  But I still congratulate on myself for completing this work as the message of this painting.  Good work today.  Move on tomorrow.